Recent and Upcoming events
Think Fast! Enhancing your SciComm with the Science of Learning and Improv: Part 2: Establishing Trust in SciComm and Best Practices of Presenting
I’ll be presenting a professional development workshop, titled Think Fast! Enhancing your SciComm with the Science of Learning and Improv: Part 2: Establishing Trust in SciComm and Best Practices of Presenting for the Association of Science Communicators.
To sign up for this workshop, please visit the Association of Science Communicators website.
The Science of Learning & Memory
Join your peers in an interactive day of learning about the science of learning and how to incorporate nudges into your teaching to help students learn how to learn effectively in your classroom. Rather than redesigning what you already do, learn ways to incorporate small changes into your content to help your students better understand how they learn and how to apply that to learning in your classroom.
During the workshop you’ll learn some basic principles of how people learn. We’ll discuss how these principles inform evidence-based study strategies. You will have a chance to rework lessons you already teach to incorporate how to study effectively. There will also be opportunities for peer feedback. Come with an existing lesson plan (or a few!) for a subject that your students struggle to learn.
To sign up for this workshop, please visit the Denver Museum of Nature and Science website.
Think Fast! Enhancing your SciComm with the Science of Learning and Improv: Part 1: Motivated Reasoning and Audience Engagement
I’ll be presenting a professional development workshop, titled Think Fast! Enhancing your SciComm with the Science of Learning and Improv: Part 1: Motivated Reasoning and Audience Engagement for the Association of Science Communicators.
To sign up for this workshop, please visit the Association of Science Communicators website.
Increasing equity through instruction on evidence-based learning strategies alongside your content
A professional development workshop that is part of the Fall Intensive at the Center for Teaching and Learning University of Colorado Boulder.
For more information, please go to the University of Colorado website.